Executive Highlight

Ryan Shope

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CEO, Yoked
Business Founded: 2022

14502 52nd Pl W
Edmonds, WA 98026

Why did you choose your industry?I chose to create a fractional chief of staff business because it pairs well with my management consulting background and there's a growing market need for the role. It also gave me a chance to partner in business with my wife :)
Who are your typical clients?-Executives at SMBs-Managing Directors at PE firms and family offices-Executive Directors at non-profits
What do you like best about being in this industry?Being able to partner with clients, help them define their mission and vision, create a measurable plan, and then pull alongside them to realize their vision. We're able to be relatively industry agnostic since a chief of staff augments the C-Suite or leadership team in driving their plan forward. We have the business acumen and rely on the domain expertise of the clients that comes with years of experience in a specific industry.
What are common problems you see?Teams with a lot of strategic expertise but a lack in tactical horsepower to get the job done. Great ideas with limited resources/accountability to execute.
What advice/tips do you have for clients?Give yourself margin to step back and define what you really want and how your company/department serves as a vehicle to help get you there. Anything that's not a direct exercise towards hitting your ultimate goal is something you should outsource.
When is your busy season?Q4 - Lots of strategic planning for the next calendar/fiscal year
What keeps you up at night?My children :)
How do you market yourself to grow/expand your business?Currently, we market ourselves through word of mouth/professional reputation, but we are planning on expanding our marketing efforts in 2024.
How involved are you in the community?We are involved with some local nonprofits and are members of a local church.
What is your favorite not for profit or charity?Hope International
What advice would you give to someone thinking of getting into this business?Measure your impact, learn to sell, and keep your fixed overhead light.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?Hiking, smoking meat, and playing with my dog, wife, and kids :)

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