“Digital Champions” with Joe Zagorski from Joe Zagorski Inc

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Joe Zagorski
President at Joe Zagorski Inc
Website Address: www.joezagorskiinc.com

Each week on “Digital Champions,” our host talks to media experts across the country.  This week our host speaks with Joe Zagorski from Joe Zagorski Inc. To learn more, check out www.joezagorskiinc.com.

What is your company Elevator pitch when talking about your company?

Joe is a copywriter and content producer for branding, marketing and advertising communications in traditional, digital and social media venues. Gifted, skilled and experienced, he is able to turn any marketing content to your business advantage. If quality writing matters to you, consider Joe your #1 content resource.

What is the biggest change in marketing that you see coming in the next 2 years?

Originality is an endangered species. Stock photos, stock logos, stock video, robot-created content, etc. dumb down the message and cause the brain to dismiss the content on sight.

What is one tip that you would give when it comes to digital marketing?

Measure twice, cut once. Profile your audience, test your message, then go big. If it doesn’t work, stop immediately and repeat.

What is the main pain point that you solve for your customers?

I help clients craft their messaging to get attention, build interest, create desire and prompt action.