“Digital Champions” with Richie Hyden from IRIS

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Richie Hyden
Co-Founder & COO at IRIS
Website Address: iris.tv

Each week on “Digital Champions,” our host talks to media experts across the country.  This week our host speaks with Richie Hyden from IRIS. To learn more, check out iris.tv.

What is your company Elevator pitch when talking about your company?

IRIS.TV is a video data platform. We enable video data connectivity to create better viewing experiences and advertising outcomes. For CTV & online video content, we structure, connect and activate video-level data. Unlike walled gardens, we make video-level data accessible, actionable, and useful for the entire advertising ecosystem.

What is the biggest change in marketing that you see coming in the next 2 years?

Moving away from people-based targeting and stronger lean towards contextual targeting across all media from display to video. Being able to activate video-level data.

What is one tip that you would give when it comes to digital marketing?

Lean into content and contextual targeting!

What is the main pain point that you solve for your customers?

Publishers: Unlocking video-level data creates more relevant experiences for audiences and advertisers, so publishers can get more value from every video. Marketers: More accuracy. Less waste. Real-time relevance. By unlocking the meaning behind every video–at the video level–we help marketers build deeper and more meaningful connections with consumers.