Cresso Consulting

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Business Size: 1-5
Phone: (256) 417-8201
About Cresso ConsultingTeam, strategy and profitability consulting for organizations looking to increase, multiply and thrive.
What differentiates you from the competition?The solutions are customized. I get to know our clients, their business, their successes and their challenges. Then we work together to build solutions that they can work.
What are your top selling services or products that your company offers?Working Genius workshops Strategic Planning Individual project planning and implementation Leadership Development Programs for the whole company
If you had one message to get across to future customers, what would it be?In life when we want to experience a harvest that increases, multiplies and thrives, we have to sow into the soil the good things that bring about life. So at Cresso, helping you sow richly into the soil of your organization is my passion.
What is the biggest marketing challenge that you will face in the upcoming year?Meeting the right people.

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