Executive Highlight

Jason Ciment

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CEO, Get Visible Inc.
Business Founded: 2005
Phone: 3104378185

9190 W. Olypmic Blvd Ste 600
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

How long have you been in your industry?25 years
Why did you choose your industry?I like the creative aspect of solving business problems and getting our clients in front of their best clients to grow their businesses.
Who are your typical clients?Professional services providers like lawyers, doctors, and consultants. Startups who need a company that can start at the ground floor and grow with them. Manufacturers who need ecommerce capability.
What do you like best about being in this industry?The fact that it's always changing. I am most comfortable in disequilibrium.
What are common problems you see?Clients having difficulty articulating what they really want. So either we lose deals because they ask for one thing but want something very different. Often that is just a financial thing and they want to pay less but get more.
What advice/tips do you have for clients?Study your competition religiously so you can at least be aware of the steps you need to take to be ahead. You may choose not to take those steps but it least your decision will be based on facts not feelings.
When is your busy season?Every day is busy season in this business.
What keeps you up at night?Thinking about the next best thing to come up the pike.
How do you market yourself to grow/expand your business?Relationship marketing is the key to our business. We get intimate with our clients and have been working with quite a few of them for over a decade.
How involved are you in the community?Extremely involved. And there are two communities from our perspective. The local personal community where we live and interact on a social level with friends and family and parents of kids' friends. And the business community where we interact more professionally by contributing content, making introductions, speaking at events, and just being a force for positivity there.
What is your favorite not for profit or charity?www.JSU.org
What advice would you give to someone thinking of getting into this business?Make a plan and execute the plan. This crosses all business boundaries.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?Reading outside with a cold lemonade at 75 degrees in the sunny shade.

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