Executive Highlight

Quantre Ali-Johnson

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Owner/ Client Relations, Q The Lights
Business Founded: 2021
Phone: (302) 331-7338

111 Linden Court
Dover, Delaware 19901

How long have you been in your industry?11
Why did you choose your industry?It started from my love for Movies/Films and just the art of storytelling. I found it interesting that you can move somebody emotionally through storytelling. Everything we do at Q The Lights is telling our client's story through a video, reel, photo, etc.
Who are your typical clients?Our typical clients are business coaches who speak at conferences nationwide, author influential works, and lead communities or masterminds with plans for expansion and growth.
What do you like best about being in this industry?I can connect with different people every day because I love meeting new people and hearing their stories.
What are common problems you see?The compensation is low because a lot of talented people in our field aren't getting paid their worth. Especially if they are bringing new eyes to their business/brand, etc.
What advice/tips do you have for clients?Be yourself and document you being you.
When is your busy season?Spring/Summer
What keeps you up at night?What's my next 10 steps for growth.
How do you market yourself to grow/expand your business?Social media. Currently, I have a vlog series where I have a 94-day challenge of building consistent cash flow from my business before August 1st.
How involved are you in the community?I do random acts of kindness and volunteer anonymously, I typically don't like getting too specific on certain things because I want it to be genuine from the heart and I don't want credit for it.
What is your favorite not for profit or charity?Save The Children
What advice would you give to someone thinking of getting into this business?Practice using your phone before getting an expensive camera and work your way to editing on your phone before getting into bigger editing software.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?I love watching wrestling.

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