“Ignite Success” with Pixie Larizza from Intuitive Health Services, LLC

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Pixie Larizza
Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Holistic Coach, Relaxation Expert at Intuitive Health Services, LLC

On “Ignite Success,” Sherrie Clark welcomes outstanding leaders to this uplifting and interesting show, filled with practical advice and tips for business professionals. This week, Sherrie sits down with Pixie Larizza from Intuitive Health Services

To learn more, email Pixie at [email protected]

Short company description:

Intuitive Health Services empowers clients to discover their Mind/Body/Spirit connection, how they can develop this connection to move their lives forward and explore their journey of self-discovery.

We also offer hybrid sessions that include Holistic Coaching followed by hands on session which includes Energy & bodywork therapies. Aromatherapy, Meditation & Visualization, and most importantly Learning how to Breathe.

My passion for bodywork and how it can impact all aspects of life is a life long journey. I honestly don\’t believe I would even thought about this career so many years ago had I not experienced bodywork and the positive changes it brought to my life.

How do you define success?

Each time a client has an “ah ha” moment, no matter how small. There’s no better validation that I\’m doing what I should be doing. That’s success – loving what I do.

If you could be remembered for one thing, what would it be?

Bringing Holistic approach to M/B/S connection to the masses.

How has your business changed in the past 12 months?

Although I have been an LMT for over 30 years. Adding Holistic Coaching and bringing the two modalities together created a service (and thus far, amazing results) that is one of a kind.

What are your biggest goals in the next 12 Months for your business?

I want to speak and present more about the benefits of living holistically. Spreading the news that knowing and taking care of ourselves isn’t just getting a massage or facial. It is a daily practice.