Executive Highlight

Jake Purvis

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Founder and CEO, Jake Purvis Consulting
Business Founded: 2023
Phone: (904) 874-4004

8081 Philips Hwy suite 10
Jacksonville, FL 32256

How long have you been in your industry?11 years
Why did you choose your industry?Was looking for a rewarding career that was recession proof. Never would have thought it was pandemic proof as well.
Who are your typical clients?Retiring and Retired Seniors
What do you like best about being in this industry?I am truly helping people everyday, protecting there health and wealth. and the residual income.
What are common problems you see?Clients not understanding the Medicare space and clients that are to risky with there retirement savings as they near and move into retirement. Not having guaranteed income is a huge problem if they experience major market downswings.
What advice/tips do you have for clients?Set aside funds into me guaranteed income producing accounts to cover all living expenses and then you can be risky if you choose without worry of lifestyle changes. And get the right health insurance so you also don’t have to north about extravagant medical expenses if something were to happen.
When is your busy season?October -December due to Medicare AEP
What keeps you up at night?My almost 4 yr old twins. I sleep very well if your asking about business
How do you market yourself to grow/expand your business?Mostly word of mouth. But recently I have been very active on social media. And that is my current focus.
How involved are you in the community?I am fairly involved but would like to be more involved.
What is your favorite not for profit or charity?Henry’s hero’s. Local to Jacksonville.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of getting into this business?Be prepared for highs and lows and you better have grit.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?Offshore fishing with my friends is my passion. If I’m not spending time with my family I am probably fishing.

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