Advertising Champions with Matt Wilmoth of Almighty Wings Productions

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On Advertising Champions, our host, Tony Stanol, interviews bright and engaging members of the digital advertising and media community. On this segment, Tony speaks with Matt Wilmoth of Almighty Wings Productions.

Short company description: 

Established in 2021, Almighty Wings Productions was formed because we noticed a need for more inspirational content in this world. So much of today’s programming attacks the family unit, tears down Christianity or glorifies sin. Our goal is to create entertainment that encourages viewers to be better people.

How do you define success?

To me, success is about achieving goals. Those can be personal, spiritual or business goals. One of my favorite personal accomplishments has been that my wife and I read the Bible together cover to cover. It took us over 3 years, starting with the New Testament and then going back to read the Old Testament but we did it. We read a chapter a day then discussed what we read together and it has been life changing. We have experienced tremendous growth within ourselves, as a couple and as a business.

How did you get started in your field or work?

I have worked in the video production field nearly all my life, getting my first start in high school working on the school’s morning news broadcast. Later, in college I majored in Communications / Arts then moved to Knoxville, TN in my early 20’s.

What’s one thing we should know that makes your company unique?

We are a Christian Video Production company with a mission to be Salt & Light in the World of Visual Entertainment. We want to produce content that reflects our values and openly talks about Jesus Christ.

What was the biggest obstacle you had to overcome in your business?

One of the biggest obstacles in the entertainment field is the constant ‘roller coaster’ of available work / contracts. Some years are fantastic, while other years are extremely difficult. You have to learn to ‘squirrel away’ what you can, when you can. Having good working relationships with other businesses can make a huge difference.